Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Parahnya Training Ahli K3 Umum, Merepresentatifkan Parahnya Pemerintahan Kita

Pekanbaru, Hotel Furaya, 14 – 21 April 2008. Training ini diadakan oleh Depnakertrans Indonesia dengan tujuan untuk menciptakan orang-orang yang ahli akan bidang keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, sehingga mereka dapat membantu Depnakertrans dalam mengawasi pelaksanaan kegiatan K3 di perusahaan masing-masing. Depnakertrans ingin memanjangkan tangannya dalam mengawasi kegiatan K3. Inilah latar belakang mereka mengadakan training ini.
Bagi Anda yang berminat akan training ini, training ini berisi kurikulum sebagai berikut:
1. Undang – undang No. 1 Tahun 1970 beserta Peraturan Pemerintah, PerMen, KepMen, dan dasar hukum lainnya yang mengatur masalah keselamatan kerja
2. Pengawasan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja penanggulangan kebakaran, instalasi listrik, konstruksi bangunan, mekanik, pesawat uap dan bejana tekan
3. Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3)
4. Audit SMK3
5. Manajemen Resiko
6. Analisa Kecelakaan
7. Laporan statistik kecelakaan
8. Praktek Kerja Lapangan (PKL)
9. Seminar
10. Evaluasi
Sangat banyak kan? Biaya training berkisar 7 – 9 juta. Silahkan kalau berminat.
Disini saya tidak akan berbicara tentang isi training tersebut, tapi akan berbicara mengenai bagaimana jalannya training dan kemampuan trainernya yang semuanya difasilitatori oleh Depnakertrans.
Training berjalan selama 8 hari dengan hari Sabtu dan Minggu tetap masuk kelas, dimulai dari jam 8.00 WIB sampai dengan jam 22.00 WIB. Bisa Anda hitung sendiri berapa durasi training itu berlangsung. Ya! Tepat 14 jam kita duduk mendengarkan trainer yang berpidato tidak jelas. Kenapa saya bilang tidak jelas? Akan saya kemukakan dibelakang.Anda tahu berapa lama orang yang bekerja dengan sistem 5 hari masuk kerja dan 2 hari (Sabtu dan Minggu) libur? Adalah 8 jam kerja satu harinya. Anda tahu berapa lama orang bekerja dengan system on-off? Adalah 12 jam kerja satu harinya. Dan training yang diadakan oleh Pemerintah justru menyalahi aturan ini! Aturan yang mereka buat sendiri! Parahnya lagi ini adalah training mengenai Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja! Bagaimana kita bisa sehat jika seperti itu? Ketika saya tanya langsung ke trainernya (trainer dari Disnaker-red), jawaban mereka adalah inikan pendidikan bukanlah kerja. Betapa terkejutnya saya mendengar hal ini. Sebegitu dangkalkah profesionalisme para Pegawai Negeri di Negara tercinta kita ini! Apakah para guru, dosen, murid, dan mahasiswa bisa dikenakan jam masuk kelas selama 14 jam dalam satu hari? Karena mereka sedang melakukan pendidikan bukanlah kerja? Yaaaah, mereka memang selalu menganggap mereka selalu benar dan mau menang sendiri. Pernah saya dengar dari salah satu peserta training kalau mereka sengaja memadatkan jadualnya agar mereka bisa mendapatkan libur, mereka mendapat ijin untuk mengajar training yang sebenarnya itu 2 minggu. Yaaaah siapa yang tahu akan hal itu?
Mereka, trainer, berbicara hal tidak jelas, ya mereka hanya hafal akan Undang – Undang dan Peraturan yang lainnya. Tapi mereka tidak paham dengan pasti akan dasar keteknikannya. Sungguh training yang sangat membosankan. Mereka lebih banyak bercerita pengalaman mereka yang sifatnya membanggakan diri tanpa mereka sadari itu sudah sangat jauh sekali menyimpang dari kurikulum training ini. Ketika ada yang tanya “Pak saya pernah melihat di boiler ada satuan yang namanya BTU (British Thermal Unit), apa itu BTU pak? Bisa minta tolong diterangkan?” Trainerpun bingung dan terdiam. Akhirnya aku yang menerangkan apa itu BTU. Padahal diawal si trainer berbicara dengan lantang “saya ini juga orang teknik mas!”; “orang teknik kok engga tau BTU” pikirku dalam hati, “teknik arsitektur ya pak?” bahkan mahasiswa teknik arsitekturpun mungkin aja dia tau apa itu BTU.
Saat PKL, PKL dilakukan dengan cara melakukan pengawasan terhadap kegiaatan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di Hotel Furaya, kita disuruh untuk mengevaluasi kinerja Keselamatan dari Boiler dan Heater. Seorang peserta training bertanya “ kok ada pipa dari heater yang kembali ke boiler ya?” kemudian trainer coba menelusuri pipa tersebut “Oh itu pipa digunakan untuk mengembalikan air yang tidak digunakan oleh penghuni hotel” Wow, lagi-lagi akupun terkejut mendengar jawaban ini! Aku coba klarifikasi “Maaf Pak, itu bukannya pipa untuk mengalirkan air yang tidak digunakan, tapi memang merupakan pipa sirkulasi steam dari boiler dan air hasil pengembunan steam setelah digunakan sebagai pemanas oleh heater”. Akan tetapi trainer tetap kokoh akan pendapatnya, seolah tidak mau disalahkan dan kelihatan bodohnya dia langsung berbica keras kepadaku. Beginilah sikap Orang - Orang Pemerintahan kita jika menerima pendapat? tidak ada rasa menghargai sama sekali, mereka selalu merasa yang paling benar dan paling pintar. Trainingnya sendiri berjalan sangat monoton, hanya ada komunikasi satu arah, peserta hanya duduk dan mendengarkan trainer berbicara. Hal ini terjadi karena setiap kali peserta coba bertanya seringnya trainer sudah memotong pertanyaan mereka dan menjawabnya, padahal bukan itu maksud pertanyaannya. Akhirnya kamipun malas lagi untuk bertanya. Disini aku berkesimpulan kalau trainer hanya hafal akan Undang – Undang dan Peraturan – Peraturan tentang Keselamatan dan Keselamatan Kerja tanpa paham akan dasar – dasar pengetahuan yang mendasarinya.
Itulah segelumit cerita dan pendapatku tentang Training bersama Pemerintah yang pernah aku alami. Apakah semua acara yang diselanggarakan oleh Pemerintah kita separah ini? Apakah Orang - Orang yang duduk di Pemerintahan kita separah ini?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Keys to Fire Safety

Home is a place where you should feel safe. But your risk of dying in a fire is greatest in your own home. Would you know what to do if a fire started in your home? Would you have a good chance of surviving?

Most fire deaths occur at home. The good news is you can protect yourself from fires in your home. You can prepare to get out safely if there is a fire. Best of all, you can act to prevent a fire from starting. This guide provides some basic fire safety tips.

These are the most important points to remember when it comes to your fire safety:
Smoke can kill.
People often assume that most fire deaths are due to flames. In fact, most fire deaths are caused by smoke and poison gases. Smoke and poison gases are fast, silent killers. They are very hot. They creep up on you quickly. If you breathe them in, you may pass out before you can escape the fire.
Smoke alarms can save your life.
Every home should have working smoke alarms on each level. They cut your chances of dying in half if you have a fire. They alert family members through¬out your home when smoke begins to spread.
You have to install and maintain smoke alarms so they work right.
Smoke alarms are an easy and cheap way to protect against fire. But buying smoke alarms isn’t enough. You have to install them the right way. You have to make sure they keep working. The next page of this safety guide will tell you how.
You should create and practice a fire escape plan.
Suppose your smoke alarms go off. Family members need to know how to escape quickly and where to meet outside. Your family should prac¬tice your plan. That will help everyone act quickly and correctly in a real fire. I will present to you “how to create and practice a fire escape plan” on my next article.
Learn what to do in a real fire.
Usually your most important task is to get outside as fast as you can. If you live in a high-rise building, follow your building’s escape plan.
You can prevent a fire.
Cooking and smoking cause many home fires. Space heaters and candles also pose special dangers. By controlling all sources of heat and fire and checking your home for dangers, you can prevent common types of house¬hold fires.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tour the Night of Bangkok

Sawatdee krup! Hello….

Bangkok, Thailand, June 9 – 13, 2008. I couldn’t imagine in that time I was in Bangkok and enjoy the panorama. I learned so many new things about other country, such as people, heritage, foods, and many more. 

I arrived at Bangkok at 11.00 pm, June 8, 2008. Trip to Bangkok from Jakarta need approximately 6 hours within 1 hours transit at Changi Airport Singapore. Wow, I was in Singapore now, even it just at the Airport. Oooo, there is an exhibition now, Look at that real Formula 1 car. It’s Ferrari!!! Hehehe.

Subvarnabhumi Airport Bangkok, the largest airport at South East Asia, incredible! Ok, call taxi to going to Sofitel Centara Grand Hotel and don’t forget to use taxi that using “meter”. Meter means “argo” in Indonesia. I have told by my friend that taxi with meter usually is cheaper than taxi without meter.

Sofitel Centara Grand Hotel, 5 stars hotel at Bangkok placed in Paholyothin district. Let’s register to check in to the receptionist. I got room at third floor. Before I go to my room, I ask receptionist about internet network at the hotel. But, I got misunderstanding there.  

I am: Miss, Did this hotel provide Hotspot to the guests?
Receptionist: Hoooo??? What you mean?
I am: Hotspot, a network that we used to email and browsing web pages?
Receptionist: Ooo, Accor (eko, Thai accent)?
I am: Accor??? haaaa??? What is accor?
Receptionist: yaa, you can use accor with your laptop! And you was reserved this hotel with accor yesterday.
I am: So, you mean that internet is same with accor?
Receptionist: Yes, it’s accor
I am: Is it free?
Receptionist: No, THB 17 (17 bath) per minute (± IDR 5.100 per minute)
I am: Oh my Good!!! It’s so expensive!! There is no free internet in this hotel?
Receptionist: No, THB 17 per minute!
I am: Ok, thank you. 
Shit!! Going to sleep!

Actually, internet is free in Thailand. But, it’s only for student. By showing student card, you can use internet with free.

First day training..What??? Training??? Yes! I went to Bangkok due to Facility Engineer General Skills 1 Training. My company, PT. CPI has been sent me and my friend, Rangga, to the training. Oh it’s 7.00 am, wake up, and wake up! Training was conducted from 8.00 am until 4.30 pm. I met other participants who come from Indonesia there are Rahma and Riyadhi and another from Thailand. Interesting, I have new friends from other country.
After the class, Riyadhi contacts his friends who stayed in Thailand. They are Ery and Egha. Ery and Egha will be our guides in Bangkok. 

Fist night, I am going to Suan Lum Night Bazaar. Suan Lum Night Bazaar is a market in near of Lumphini Park at the Bangkok Subway’s Lumphini Station. This market can be reached by using Subway Train, stop at Lumphini Station and going on foot to the market. 

The Night Bazaar is open from 3.00 pm to midnight, with some shops open until later. It has vendors selling gifts, clothing, jewellery, fruit, compact discs, hand-made products and fine arts, such as paintings and sculptures. There is a large beer garden, with an array of food available, and live entertainment. On the other side of the market there is a quieter area with many restaurants offering both inside and outside garden seating. I had bought some T shirts, key rings, bags, and freezer centerpieces.

What??? It is 11.00 pm now, its time to going back to the Hotel. “Stani Pompey, Stani Paholyothin”. That is sound in subway train; announce that we will arrive at Paholyothin station in a minute. At 12.00 pm, we have arrived at Sofitel. Time to sleep!

Second night, I am going to Phat Pong. Woo woo woo, what the hell this place! Oh it is an icky and dark street. The street is like a huge mall, with vendors spanning the entire place. Along the 'sidewalks' are men trying to get you to come into the sex shows, they will show you sexy pictures to rise up your desire and from the outside of bar you can see girls dressed just with bikini was dancing there . That is the fun part! They will entice you with anything to get it, but once you do go, they will change the story, and you will pay! The place is a zoo - that's a good way to explain it. Phat Pong is packed full of people, vendors, and bright lights. It's someplace you need to go at least once, though; you will not forget it anytime soon.

Back into the Training at the third day and times up at 4.30 pm! This night we plan to go to Chao Praya River. We enjoyed the river along with eat some food at the river side restaurant. One of the menus from that restaurant is flaccid bone crab. Imagine you can eat almost part of crab with haven’t to worry to select the crab’s meat from the bone. You can eat it directly. Hmmm so deliciously oily!!!.

After satisfied, we continued to Khaosan. Khaosan is a street that placed by backpackers from all countries. The street is look like Malioboro Street at Jogjakarta. So many handcraft vendors at side of road, on the street you will find pedestrians with his or her backpack and local people were showing Thai art. Sometime you will find drunken people. Nice price hotel can be found around this street. Oh, it is a tired journey!
Fourth day, let’s go to Siam Square, Siam Square is a shopping and entertainment area in Bangkok, Thailand. The area connects to other important shopping centers and links to the other shopping districts by Sky Bridge, such as Siam Center/Siam Discovery Center, MBK Center, Siam Paragon, Ratchaprasong shopping district and Sukhumvit.

Within Siam Square itself, there is a wide range of shops and services, including tutor schools, restaurants, cafe, designer clothing boutiques, record stores, bookshops, Hard Rock Cafe and banks. The customers vary from young-aged school and college students to office workers and foreign tourists.

Siam Square can be reached from Paholyothin by using subway train, stop at Stani Hua Lamphong. And then continue using Tuk-tuk to Siam Square. Tuk-tuk is motorized rickshaw; it’s like Bajaj in Indonesia. Tuk-tuk is named because of the sound of its engine. It’s so popular in Bangkok tourism. Commonly, using Tuk-tuk is faster than taxi in heavy traffic as weaving in and out easier. You should try Tuk-tuk, when you’re in Bangkok.  

Last night at Bangkok, Come on! Let’s look a Thai Boxing! Unfortunately, we need THB 1000 (± IDR 300.000) each person. I think it’s so expensive because local people only need THB 400 (± IDR 120.000) to see it, but foreign need THB 1000! Extortion! Let’s spend this night by enjoyed live music in Suan Lum Night Bazaar.
Thus all the places I have visited when I am in Bangkok. Bangkok still have a lot of exotic places, but several of it, you have to visit it at afternoon. At the night, I recommend to visit Suan Lum Night Bazaar, Phat Pong, Cho Praya river, Khaosan, and Siam Square. And if you have still money, don’t forget to see Thai Boxing.

Kop Koon, La gon! Thank you, Bye….. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Job Safety Analysis

Do you have list of questions about Job Safety Analysis (JSA) as follow:

1. What is Job Safety Analysis (JSA)?
2. What kind of job that needed to perform JSA? 
3. Why we have to perform JSA?
4. What are the benefits of JSA performing?
5. How to perform JSA?
6. How we get an effective JSA?

I hope this article can answers all above questions and give understanding about JSA.

Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a structured approach for identifying potential hazards in a job and devising corrective steps. JSA usually perform when we will commence a job that has significant potential hazard or job with accident experience. For examples; construction job such as; welding, grinding, lifting; excavation job, working at height, piling, working with energy source, and etc. Perform JSA will help the workers to recognize potential hazards around them and develop the hazards mitigation.

Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a good way to increase safety awareness and achieve sustainable improvements in safety performance. Completed JSA offer these benefits:

1. Give a common understanding to everyone about what it takes to do the job safely
2. Effective training tool for new employees
3. Key elements can be used to pre-job briefings, safety observations, and as safety meeting topics
4. Assist in writing safety procedures for new or modified jobs
5. Effective tool for planning jobs that are performed infrequently

Performing Job Safety Analysis (JSA) involves five phase.

1. Selecting scope of job
2. Forming the JSA Team
3. Breaking down the job into steps
4. Identifying potential hazards
5. Developing solution

Selecting scope of Job

When performing JSA, a job is a sequence of steps or activities to complete the work. Avoid selecting broad scope of job for a JSA such as; drilling wells or shut down on operation. A huge scope of job will result long steps to complete the work and make the JSA ineffective. And avoid selecting narrow scope of job too such as; turning on switch. JSA is not effective applied in tight scope of job.

Forming JSA Team

Job Safety Analysis (JSA) shall be performed by Team not an individually. Because we need to capture all potential hazards around of us, we need develop mitigation plan, and we need a people who have experiences with the job. People performing JSA should: be experienced and knowledgeable about the job; have credibility with the work group; and understand the JSA process. Other important traits are being supportive, non-judgmental, willing to listen ideas, and persistent in finding solutions to bring about a safe workplace. 

Breaking Down the job

Before searching the potential hazards, the job is broken down into a sequence of steps; each describing what is being down. There is a balance between too much detail, which results too many steps and causes the basic steps of job would not recorded. Generally, 15 steps are the maximum for an effective JSA.

Describe each step on the JSA form. Each step tells what is done, not how. The description for each step should begin with an action word and completed by naming the item to which the action applies. Example, Remove extinguisher, Get out of car, etc. 

Identifying Potential Hazards

This step commences with search all potential and existing hazards in each step of job. Look at physical conditions (chemicals, tools, work space, etc.), environmental factors (heat, cold, noise, lighting, etc.), and actions or behaviors (need to stand on a slippery or unstable surface, extended reach to operate a valve, lifting bulky objects). 

Close observation and knowledge of the particular job are required to get an effective JSA. The job observation should be repeated as often as necessary until all hazards and potential accidents have been identified. 

Developing Solutions

The final step in perform JSA is develop recommendation to eliminate and/or mitigate the potential hazards on each step of job. The principal solutions are:

1. Change the physical condition that create the hazards
2. Change the work procedure
3. Reduce the frequency 
4. Find a completely new way to do the job

The solutions must describe what to do not how. Avoid using specific precaution, such as, “be alert”, “use caution”, or “be careful” are too general.

That is all my knowledge pertaining Job Safety Analysis (JSA). Finally, please submit your comment about this article to share your experiences and knowledge.


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